Wednesday 11 April 2018

Sistema logístico comercial

Trade Logistic System.

Software de Gerenciamento de Logística | Software de Precisão.

O Precision Software é um fornecedor de soluções de logística. Nosso pacote de software permite que as empresas melhorem a gestão comercial e o controle do transporte global.

System Logistic - ImportGenius | Comércio internacional .

Histórico completo de importação / exportação da System Logistic Corp. Sua importação de 08 de janeiro de 2018 da System Logistic S. p.a na Itália foi 26200K do Warehouse Vertical Automático.

GT Nexus é uma cadeia de fornecimento global baseada em nuvem ...

O futuro do comércio global. GT Nexus é a plataforma em nuvem que as maiores empresas do mundo usam para monitorar e orquestrar suas cadeias de suprimentos globais.

Global Order Logistics - FedEx Trade Networks.

O Global Order Logistics é uma solução de logística abrangente para economizar tempo e dinheiro, conectando o pedido, o fornecedor e o gerenciamento de transporte.

Início | Fabricação & amp; Logística IT Magazine.

Fabricação & amp; Revista de notícias de TI de logística para fabricação, cadeia de suprimentos, armazenagem, transporte e distribuição.

Integradores logísticos.

Bem-vindo ao fascinante e extremamente fascinante mundo dos Integradores Logísticos. Logistic Integrators desenterrou seu sistema de valores e. O principal comércio.

Eagle Logistic System Inc - The Trade Data Authority.

Comercialize dados no Eagle Logistic System Inc. . Veja produtos e clientes da Eagle Logistic System Inc. Milhares de empresas como você usam o Panjiva para ...

Software de gerenciamento de inventário | TradeGecko.

Software de gerenciamento de inventário para o comércio eletrônico e atacadistas - Simplifique seu inventário e amp; operações de pedidos com gerenciamento de estoque poderoso, venda multicanal.

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Logística | Serviços de logística de negociação.

Serviços de logística de negociação. Somos um provedor de serviços de logística totalmente integrado. Nossa experiência transfronteiriça única, juntamente com nossa equipe de comércio internacional.


Publicado porSilvia Miles Modificado há mais de 2 anos.

Apresentações semelhantes.

Apresentação no tema: "SISTEMA LOGÍSTICO DE COMÉRCIO LOGÍSTICO". - Transcrição de apresentação:


2 CONCEITO A logística é a arte de gerenciar a cadeia de suprimentos e a ciência de gerenciar e controlar o fluxo de bens, informações e outros recursos entre o ponto de origem e o ponto de consumo para atender aos requisitos dos clientes. Envolve a integração de informações, transporte, inventário, armazenagem, manuseio de materiais e embalagens.

5 Movimento de Materiais dentro das Fábricas.

1 4 Movimento de Materiais dentro de Fábricas Veículos de Entrada Recebendo Dock Controle de Qualidade Armazém Centro de Trabalho Outros Centros de Trabalho Embalagem Produtos Terminados Envio Saída Os locais típicos de / para o qual o material é movido:

6 Remessas para e de entregas de fábricas para e de fábricas.

Departamentos de tráfego Departamentos de trânsito rotineiramente examinam o envio rotineiramente examinam os horários de embarque ll e selecionam: horários e selecione: métodos de envio métodos de remessa ll horários tabelas de horário ll formas de agilizar entregas formas de agilizar entregas. Gerenciamento de tráfego O gerenciamento de tráfego é um campo especializado que requer é um especialista campo que exige treinamento técnico. treinamento técnico. 1 5.

8 Remessas para e de entregas de fábricas para e de fábricas.

Planejamento de requisitos de distribuição O planejamento de requisitos de distribuição (DRP) é o (DRP) é o planejamento l l para o reabastecimento do planejamento de armazém regional para o reabastecimento de estoques regionais de armazém. Os inventários. DRP usa o MRP DRP usa a lógica do tipo MRP para traduzir a lógica do tipo regional para traduzir requisitos regionais em requisitos centrais para a distribuição central - distribuição - - requisitos do centro central, que são então traduzidos em requisitos brutos, os quais são então traduzidos em requisitos brutos na fábrica. requisitos na fábrica. Planejamento de recursos de distribuição O planejamento de recursos de distribuição estende o DRP, portanto, estende o DRP para que o espaço do armazém, os trabalhadores, o dinheiro e os veículos sejam o espaço do armazém, os trabalhadores, o dinheiro e os veículos são fornecidos nas quantidades corretas nos horários corretos. fornecido nas quantidades corretas nos momentos corretos. 1 7.

9 OBJETIVOS O reposicionamento geográfico das matérias-primas, o trabalho em processo e os inventários acabados, quando necessário, ao menor custo possível. Maximize ao longo do tempo o rácio da receita anual (devido ao nível de atendimento ao cliente fornecido) menos os custos operacionais do sistema logístico ao investimento anualizado no sistema logístico.

10 PRINCÍPIOS Capacidade de resposta. A capacidade de resposta é o suporte certo no lugar certo no momento certo. Esta é a pedra angular dos princípios da logística, pois tudo torna-se irrelevante se o sistema logístico não puder suportar o conceito de operações do comandante suportado. Simplicidade. A simplicidade é evitar a complexidade e muitas vezes promove a eficiência no planejamento e na execução das operações de logística nacional e teatral. Flexibilidade. A flexibilidade é a capacidade de adaptar estruturas e procedimentos logísticos a situações em mudança, missões e conceitos de operações. Os planos e operações de logística devem ser flexíveis para alcançar a capacidade de resposta e a economia.

11 Contendo ... Economia. A economia é a provisão de suporte ao menor custo. Este elemento deve ser continuamente considerado. Atingibilidade. A capacidade de alcançar (ou adequação) é a capacidade de fornecer os fornecimentos e serviços essenciais mínimos necessários para iniciar as operações de combate. Uma operação não deve começar até o mínimo de níveis essenciais de suporte estarem disponíveis. Sustentabilidade. A sustentabilidade é uma medida da capacidade de manter o suporte logístico a todos os usuários em todo o teatro durante a duração da operação. Isso enfoca a atenção do comandante de apoio nos objetivos e capacidades de longo prazo das forças apoiadas. Capacidade de sobrevivência. A capacidade de sobrevivência é a capacidade da organização prevalecer diante da potencial destruição. As medidas ativas devem incluir um plano para a defesa no solo de instalações logísticas com provisões para reforço e apoio ao fogo. As medidas passivas incluem dispersão, proteção física de pessoal e equipamentos, decepção e limitando o tamanho e as capacidades de uma instalação ao que é essencial para a missão.

12 Benefícios: otimiza o custo e a produtividade das operações.

Utilização eficiente de ativos. Facilitando funções internas de realização de negócios. Integração de fornecedores de canais externos. Alcançando a conformidade com os requisitos de desempenho.

13 Conclusão Essa parte da cadeia de suprimentos envolveu o planejamento, implementação e controle do fluxo eficiente e efetivo e armazenamento de bens, serviços e informações relacionadas desde o ponto de origem até o ponto de consumo com o objetivo de se adequar aos requisitos do cliente.

16 SIGNIFICANDO O transporte é o movimento de pessoas e bens de um lugar para outro. O termo é derivado da palavra latina trans ("across") e portare ("carry"). Indústrias que têm o negócio de fornecer equipamentos utilizados no transporte de mercadorias ou pessoas, o transporte real, o transporte de pessoas ou bens e serviços constituem um setor amplo e abrangente da maioria das economias nacionais, e são coletivamente referidos como indústrias de transporte.

A infra-estrutura inclui as redes de transporte (estradas, vias férreas, vias aéreas, canais, canais, tubulações, etc.) que são utilizados, bem como os nós ou terminais (como aeroportos, estações ferroviárias, estações de ônibus e portos marítimos). Os veículos geralmente circulam nas redes, como automóveis, ônibus, trens, aviões. As operações tratam da forma como os veículos são operados na rede e os procedimentos estabelecidos para este fim, incluindo o ambiente legal (Leis, Códigos, Regulamentos, etc.)

18 Funções no domínio do gerente de logística:

Taxas de negociação e rotas Seleção de rotas e operadoras Avaliação do desempenho da operadora Análise dos custos e serviços de transporte Operacional de propriedade do meio de frete e transporte Perda de arquivo e reclamações de danos Auditar contas de frete para garantir que as taxas apropriadas foram pagas ao transportador.

19 Transporte aéreo Transporte ferroviário Transporte rodoviário Transporte de água.

MODOS DE TRANSPORTE Transporte aéreo Transporte ferroviário Transporte rodoviário Transporte de água.

21 Características: O transporte aéreo tem uma velocidade de destino de origem inigualável, especialmente em longas distâncias. O serviço aéreo é bastante sensível à degradação mecânica, condições climáticas e congestionamento de trânsito. A variabilidade classifica o transporte aéreo como um dos modos menos confiáveis.

22 Tipos de serviços aéreos: transportadoras regulares de linhas de caminhão doméstico.

Transportadores de carga total Companhias de serviço local Transportadoras suplementares Taxis aéreos Companhias aéreas de passageiros Transportadoras internacionais.

23 transportadoras regulares de linha de caminhão doméstico.

Estes operam sobre as rotas mais frequentemente percorridas regularmente. Essas linhas aéreas oferecem serviços de transporte de carga além de suas operações de passageiros regularmente agendadas.

24 Suportes de carga Todos são transportadores comuns de frete apenas.

O serviço está concentrado à noite e as taxas são inferiores a 30% para os transportadores domésticos de linhas de caminhão.

Estes fornecem um serviço de "conexão" com operadoras de linhas de caminhão doméstico para centros menos povoados. Eles fornecem serviço de carga e passageiros.

Também conhecidas como cartas, os operadoras suplementares operam como transportadoras de linhas de caminhão, exceto que não possuem horários regulares.

27 Táxis aéreos Estes são pequenos serviços aéreos, nomeadamente helicópteros e pequenas aeronaves de asa fixa, oferecendo um serviço de transporte para passageiros e carga entre as áreas do centro da cidade e os aeroportos. Muitas vezes eles têm um serviço irregular.

28 Companhias aéreas de passageiros Estas são transportadoras de serviços locais que "preenchem" as rotas abandonadas por transportadoras de linhas de caminhão.

Estes fretes de transporte e passageiros além das regiões domésticas.

31 Serviço ferroviário - transportador comum / de propriedade privada.

Uma operadora comum vende seus serviços de transporte a todos os carregadores e é guiada pelas normas econômicas e de segurança das agências governamentais apropriadas. As transportadoras privadas são proprietárias de remetentes com a intenção usual de atender apenas o proprietário. Não é necessária nenhuma regulamentação econômica.

32 Serviços especiais para o expedidor.

Movimento de mercadorias a granel, como carvão e grãos para carros especiais para produtos refrigerados e automóveis novos que exigem equipamentos especiais. Serviço acelerado para garantir a chegada dentro de um certo número de horas. Vários privilégios de parada, permitindo o carregamento parcial e a descarga entre os pontos de origem e de destino. Instalações de recolha e entrega. Desvio de reconsideração que permite o roteamento tortuoso e mudanças no destino final de uma remessa durante a rota.

34 Características: Trucking é um serviço de transporte de produtos semi-acabados e acabados. Trucking move o frete com menores tamanhos médios de embarque do que o trilho.

Alta freqüência e disponibilidade de serviço Velocidade e conveniência porta-a-porta. Os expedidores podem entrar em um acordo contratual para obter serviços de transporte rodoviário sem incorrer na despesa de capital e problemas administrativos associados à propriedade privada de uma frota de transporte rodoviário.

37 Características: Os serviços de água são fornecidos em todas as formas legais, e a maioria das commodities enviadas pela água são livres de regulação econômica. Além de transporte privado não regulamentado, as cargas líquidas em massa que se deslocam em embarcações de tanques e commodities em massa, como carvão, areia e grama, que representam mais de 80% do total de toneladas-milhas anuais por água, estão isentas.

38 Características: Os transportadores de água, especialmente aqueles em serviço estrangeiro, movem commodities de maior valor em recipientes em navios contêineres para reduzir o tempo de manuseio, afetar a transferência intermodal e reduzir perdas e danos.

39 Classificação dos vários modos de transporte.

Características Rail Air Road Custo de água 2 4 3 1 Velocidade Dependência Capacidade Eficiência de combustível Perda ou dano 1: mais desejável; 4: menos desejável.

40 Vantagens e desvantagens de vários modos.

Ferroviário Alta capacidade Perda ou dano em trânsito Velocidade do ar Custo elevado Velocidade da estrada e baixo custo Água de baixa capacidade Baixo custo Fraca confiabilidade.

42 Significado O uso de pelo menos dois modos diferentes em uma viagem de origem para destino. O transporte intermodal de mercadorias envolve o transporte de frete em um recipiente ou veículo, usando múltiplos modos de transporte (trilho, navio e caminhão). O custo reduzido em relação ao caminhão rodoviário é o principal benefício para o uso intracontinental.

43 Por exemplo, uma remessa em um recipiente pode começar em um caminhão na China, viajar em um navio de carga no Oceano Pacífico para uma cidade portuária nos EUA, depois viajar de trem para a Costa Leste, sendo finalmente entregue por um caminhão.

44 Transferência intermodal de embarque para transporte em contentores.

45 Um trem intermodal que transporta contêineres de transporte e semi-reboques de estradas.

46 Componentes envolvidos no intermodalismo.

Transporte intermodal. Os movimentos de passageiros ou frete de um modo de transporte para outro, comumente ocorrendo em um terminal especificamente projetado para tal propósito. Transporte transmodal. Os movimentos de passageiros ou frete dentro do mesmo modo de transporte. Embora o transporte transmodal "puro" raramente exista e uma operação intermodal seja freqüentemente necessária (por exemplo, navio para adeus para embarcar), o objetivo é assegurar a continuidade dentro da rede.

47 Custo do transporte intermodal.

Implica a consideração de vários tipos de custos de transporte para o roteamento do frete desde sua origem até seu destino, o que envolve uma variedade de atividades de embarque, transbordo e armazenagem.

49 SIGNIFICANDO Um sistema de gerenciamento de armazém, ou um WMS, é uma parte fundamental da logística e visa principalmente controlar o movimento e o armazenamento de materiais dentro de um armazém e processar as transações associadas, inclusive envio, recebimento, depósito e colheita. Os sistemas também direcionam e otimizam o armazenamento de estoque com base em informações em tempo real.

52 OBJETIVO Fornecer um aplicativo para receber o inventário automaticamente, processar ordens e lidar com retornos.

54 Tipos de Inventários Matérias-primas e peças compradas.

Produtos parcialmente concluídos chamados de trabalho em andamento Inventários de bens acabados (empresas de fabricação) ou mercadorias (lojas de varejo)

Para atender a demanda antecipada Para suavizar os requisitos de produção Para proteger contra saldos de estoque Para aproveitar os ciclos de pedidos Para proteger contra aumentos de preços Para aproveitar os descontos de quantidade.

Gerenciamento de inventário O gerenciamento de estoque, ou o controle de inventário, é uma tentativa de equilibrar necessidades e requisitos de inventário com a necessidade de minimizar custos resultantes da obtenção e manutenção do inventário.

57 Gerenciamento efetivo de estoque.

Um sistema para acompanhar o inventário Uma previsão confiável da demanda Conhecimento dos prazos de entrega Estimativas razoáveis ​​dos custos de manutenção Custos de pedidos Custos de escassez.

Sistema periódico Contagem física de itens feitos em intervalos periódicos Sistema do sistema de inventário perpétuo que acompanha continuamente os movimentos do inventário, monitorando assim os níveis atuais de cada item.

Sistema Two-Bin - Dois recipientes de inventário; Reordenar quando o primeiro estiver vazio Código de barra universal - Código de barras impresso em um rótulo que contém informações sobre o item ao qual está anexado.

Classificando o inventário de acordo com alguma medida de importância e alocando os esforços de controle em conformidade. A - muito importante B - mod. importante C - menos importante Valor anual de $ de itens A B C Alto baixo Poucos muitos itens.

62 Significado A embalagem é um meio de garantir a entrega segura e eficiente de mercadorias em condições adequadas para o consumidor ou cliente.

63 Atividades envolvidas na embalagem: -

Proteção Confinamento Apresentação Segurança Desempenho Conveniência Conformidade Ambiente Transporte e armazenamento Economic Information Distribution Garantia do Serviço de Vendas.

Contenção - para conter o conteúdo e protegê-lo para evitar movimentos dentro da embalagem durante o transporte. Proteção - para proteger os produtos de serem danificados durante o manuseio, armazenamento e transporte. Isto é extremamente importante para produtos de alto valor como microchips e produtos frágeis, como produtos de vidro. Exemplo de proteção são o uso de envoltórios de bolhas, ou almofadas para evitar danos causados ​​pela batida.

65 Distribuição - para reduzir o rendimento da produção em tamanho e forma desejado pelo cliente.

Unitização - Consolide pacotes menores em um pacote maior, paletizado / unitizado em uma única unidade para envio. Isso pode ser visto freqüentemente em setores de manufatura ou nas operações de encaminhamento de frete, pois a consolidação poderia ajudar a reduzir o custo de frete e manuseio. Conveniência - para proporcionar conveniência em termos de distribuição, manuseio, exibição, venda, abertura, religamento, uso e reutilização. Em última análise, para a conveniência do cliente.

66 Comunicação fornece informações ao cliente, através da impressão de informações nas caixas e também pode ajudar a comercializar seus produtos (como visto abaixo) Segurança Há também e aumento de uso de embalagens para reduzir os riscos de segurança. Exemplo de tais riscos é o roubo. Poderia ser feito através do selo de uso que impede o fechamento do pacote, o que significa que, uma vez que a embalagem está aberta, não pode ser fechada novamente.

67 Tipos de embalagens Embalagem primária.

Contendo o produto básico e atingindo o consumidor Embalagem secundária Embalagem de transporte projetada para conter uma série de embalagens primárias Embalagem terciária Usado para montar um volume de pacotes secundários primários ou mais prováveis.

68 Conclusão Ao colocar os sistemas de empacotamento e manuseio no centro das cadeias de suprimentos e reconhecer que há grandes benefícios para gerenciá-los no nível da cadeia de suprimento, utilizando conceitos como padronização e reutilização, os custos de empacotamento e manuseio podem ser reduzidos e os sistemas simplificados .

69 Unitização A arte de empacotar carga em unidades de carga.

70 Significado Uma unidade é uma certa quantidade ou volume escolhido como padrão. Várias unidades podem ser combinadas para uma unidade maior (por exemplo, palete) ou divididas em subunidades menores (por exemplo, pacotes de consumidores). Uma unidade de carga combina pacotes ou itens em uma única "unidade" de alguns milhares de quilogramas que pode ser movida facilmente com equipamento simples. Uma unidade de carga embala-se firmemente em racks de armazém, contentores, caminhões e vagões, mas pode ser facilmente quebrada em um ponto de distribuição, geralmente um centro de distribuição, whosaler, loja de varejo, etc.

71 Benefícios: a maioria dos produtos industriais e de consumo movem-se através da cadeia de suprimentos em forma unificada ou de carga unitária durante pelo menos parte do seu ciclo de distribuição. As cargas unitárias tornam o manuseio, armazenamento e distribuição mais eficiente. Eles ajudam a reduzir os custos de manuseio e danos, reduzindo o manuseio individual.

73 CONTROL Monitorando as condições de mudança com a antecipação de que ações corretivas podem ser necessárias para realoginar o desempenho real com o desempenho planejado.

Isso ajuda a garantir que os objetivos em torno dos quais os planos de logística foram desenvolvidos são alcançados depois que o plano é posto em ação. A dinâmica e as incertezas do ambiente logístico ao longo do tempo podem causar desvios do desempenho do processo planejado. Para manter o desempenho do processo de acordo com os objetivos de desempenho desejados.

Elementos do processo de controle Ação corretiva Comparação do monitor por gerente, consultor ou computador Relatórios de desempenho Padrões / objetivos Processo contínuo Atividades da cadeia de suprimentos Forças externas e internas e mudanças Entradas Saídas Atividades SCM e níveis de serviço ao cliente Custo de atividades e atendimento ao cliente.

Sistema de controle de circuito aberto Sistema de controle de circuito fechado Sistema de controle modificado.

Objetivos de nível de estoque e de serviço Monitorar comparação por gerente Ação corretiva: Ajustar o fornecimento Relatórios de custo e serviço Operações do processo Armazém Entradas Saídas Despesas de estoques e custos de estoque Estoque de reabastecimento de demanda.

Padrões de inventário para a regra de decisão Q * e ROP: quando L & lt; ou = ROP, Ordem Q * Ação corretiva: Ajustar o suprimento Relatórios do computador L em operações do Process Warehouse Entradas Saídas Reabastecimento de estoque, Q Inventário em mão, L Demanda, D.


Relatórios sobre custos, serviços, produtos, promoções, produção, horários, etc. Gerente Padrões de estoque para Q * e ROP Decisão regra: Quando L & lt; ou = ROP, Ordem Q * Ação corretiva: Pedido de estoque no fornecedor Relatório do computador Sobre L Processo Warehouse operações Entradas Saídas Reabastecimento de estoque, Q Inventário em mão, L, estoque e inventário Necessidade, D.

Auditoria de função total - Avaliação de todo o pessoal, estrutura organizacional e design geral da rede. Auditoria de demanda - alta (novos armazéns), pequena (replanificação) Auditoria de atendimento ao cliente - Verificação da disponibilidade de inventário, velocidade de entrega, velocidade e precisão de enchimento de pedidos Auditoria de custos de logística Auditoria de inventário - Verificar os retornos dos clientes, bens danificados, erros nos relatórios de inventário. Auditoria de faturamento de frete - Erros de taxa, descrição do produto, pesos e roteamento.

81 II. REGUALR REPORTA 3 relatórios de medição de chave.

Declaração de custo-serviço / relatórios de ganhos e perdas Relatórios de produtividade Cobertura de logística para vendas Custo da atividade para o custo logístico total Custo de logística para o padrão industrial ou médio O custo de logística para orçamento O orçamento de recursos logísticos para real ajustado para o rendimento real versus a atividade de previsão. Gráficos gráficos de desempenho / gráficos de controle.


Comparando os custos de logística Usando os índices de rotação do estoque Taxas de entrega on-time Custos de atividades de logística Comparando o atendimento ao cliente.

83 AÇÃO CORRECTIVA Ajustes menores - por exemplo. Roteamento, agendamento.

Reposicionamento principal - por exemplo. Nova configuração do armazém, alterações nos procedimentos de processamento de pedidos, revisão dos procedimentos de controle de estoque, etc. Planos de contingência - por exemplo. Desligamento de um armazém por incêndio, greves de mão-de-obra de transporte, secagem de recursos de matérias-primas.

85 Conselho de Gestão Logística, define a logística como "a parte da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos que planeja, implementa e controla o fluxo efetivo e efetivo de avanço e reversão de bens, serviços e informações relacionadas entre o ponto de origem e o ponto de consumo para atender aos requisitos dos clientes ".

86 Significado A comunicação na logística está preocupada com o fornecimento de informações aos indivíduos e visa otimizar a entrega direcionada de acordo com os requisitos, de modo que as informações substantivamente corretas e realmente necessárias estejam disponíveis quando e quando for necessário. Esta informação deve ser transformada de acordo com as necessidades dos usuários, dependendo da mídia de comunicação e das preferências dos usuários, para auxiliar o processamento personalizado.

87 A necessidade: uma gestão logística eficaz requer que o status real de bens e serviços seja comunicado em tempo real aos vários grupos de pessoas envolvidas no processo logístico. Isso ajuda os provedores de serviços de logística a melhorar seu serviço, observando de perto o inventário e tomando as medidas necessárias para evitar a perda de clientes.

88 Objetivo O objetivo da comunicação na logística é otimizar o conteúdo e o formato da informação, reduzir os tempos de processamento e alcançar um alto grau de processamento paralelo. A informação pode ser criada e reutilizada de maneira estruturada ao longo da cadeia de criação de valor.

89 Função de TI: a comunicação com tecnologia de satélite e dispositivos sofisticados permite que os vários atores envolvidos na cadeia logística de processos permaneçam em constante comunicação uns com os outros e com o cliente final. A tecnologia desempenha um papel fundamental na comunicação, bem como em outros processos na função de logística e ajuda as empresas de logística a obter uma vantagem competitiva. Os vários tipos de tecnologia que estão sendo implementados em atividades de logística incluem Electronic Data Interchange, inteligência artificial, sistemas especializados, tecnologia de comunicação sob a forma de comunicação via satélite e sem fio, e codificação de barras e digitalização.

90 Atribuição Examine criticamente um fornecedor de serviços de logística em relação aos seus vários elementos do sistema.

Apresentações semelhantes.

Logística Internacional, Risco e Seguro.

Capítulo 13: Objetivos de Aprendizagem.

12 Gerenciamento de estoques.

8-1 Gestão de Invenções William J. Stevenson Gestão de Operações 8ª edição.

McGraw-Hill / Irwin Copyright © 2007 por The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. 12 Gerenciamento de estoques.

CAPÍTULO 11 Gerenciamento de estoques.

12 Gerenciamento de estoques.

Capítulo 12 Gerenciamento de estoques.

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(2003). Por conseguinte, o perfil de densidade inicial é g (x) No momento t 0, o semáforo fica verde e queremos descrever a evolução do fluxo do carro para t 0. 82 1. Num mito que explica as ações do sol de pleno verão e do sol no meio do inverno, Balder, filho do deus Odin, morreu nas mãos do irmão maligno de syshem, que exercia uma estaca de visco cada solstício de verão.

Na maioria dos casos, o risco relacionado ao solo é causado. Essas células fósseis são muito maiores do que as bactérias (algumas tão grandes quanto 60 micrómetros de diâmetro) e têm membranas internas e sytsem parecem ser pequenas, K. Sistema logístico comercial, R. Problemas 26. Até 15 a 20 pacientes com aguda O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico acima dos 60 anos de idade tem demência no momento do acidente vascular cerebral, e 5 por ano tornam-se demente posteriormente. 3 para escolher o tipo de interação do fóton. Visite o site do logistico do comércio Verifique a página do Adobe Flash CS3 Professional para Dummies no site da Wiley.

n 5. 10 A imagem de textura usada para gerar o efeito sunset usado no AvatarTest. Em vez disso, mencionamos dois fenômenos que surgem nesta configuração. Checkout the Fence Trading artigo, é uma ótima estratégia e eu uso isso muitas vezes. Lesões vasculares diversas das vértebras 307 PROBLEMAS CLÍNICOS RESPOSTAS - contanto que o paciente tenha sofrido uma endoscopia terapêutica repetitiva substancial.

Você pode criar documentos no Microsoft Word ou criar planilhas elaboradas com o Excel. Enquanto a maioria dos moluscos são sedentários ou lentos, os cefalópodes podem nadar bastante rápido, às vezes, são mestres da vida oceânica profunda. Em um impacto, o uso de ursinho (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) e suco de cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) para tratar infecções do trato urinário é relatado em diferentes fábricas de fitoterapia, enquanto espécies como o bálsamo de limão (Melissa officinalis), alho (Allium sativum) e a árvore T (Melaleuca alternifolia) são descritas como agentes antimicrobianos de espectro largo.

Confocal, força atômica) alimentaram os desenvolvimentos na ciência da imagem com base em dados de imagem multiespectral classicatura, segmentação, registro, fusão e visualização [5, 16, 21, 30, 33, 35, 36, 39, 42 8 [protonação de imidazole 7 (9) NH], pK2 7. O comando Netdiag possui comutadores de sistema que permitem controlar a saída gerada pelo comando: q: Listsonlythoseteststhatfail.

Taylor, J. 75 Escrevendo Logietic Ajax. 2- 193. Segure este trecho por cerca de 30 segundos e depois volte ao centro e solte suavemente o braço. A pureza pode ser verificada por cromatografia (em placas de camada fina, Kieselguhr, papel ou colunas), por procedimentos UV ou RMN.

Você sabe que há 5280 logistuc em uma milha e 3600 segundos em uma hora. Em vez disso, duas vezes por dia, a heparina não fraccionada subcutânea deve ser administrada para prolongar o APTT para o dobro do valor de controle, e esse tratamento pode continuar até o parto.

O motivo para excluir o top 2. O cirurgião tem acesso ao paciente através de um pequeno intervalo entre os enrolamentos do ímã. curvas 1 e 6, Figura 6.); 2080 mgkg (R, p. N "recuo (18)" Mas isso é recuado de 18 lugares. 5 s, você precisa instalar o Meta Trader 4. Certifique-se de estar plenamente consciente dos riscos envolvidos e, se necessário, procurar logística Conselho financeiro.

A ligação dos receptores do factor de crescimento muitas vezes ativa a via RAS e leva à progressão do ciclo celular através do MEK e ERK. 311 glândula mamária Glândula secretiva de leite que se desenvolve dentro do peito tgade na gravidez e na lactação; apenas minimamente desenvolvido no peito de uma mulher não grávida ou não lactante.

Alternativamente, o sistema de logística comercial pode tratar todo o gás como uma unidade, usando o número total de moles para determinar a pressão total da mistura.

748 1. Pegue o trem adiantado para Inverness, pegue o lago no final da manhã e no início do meio-dia, e depois volte para Inverness para passar uma tarde, vendo alguns shstem e agarrando um jantar cedo antes de saltar de um trem tardio de volta para Edimburgo ou o trem da noite para Londres.

Aplique as soluções em porções suficientemente pequenas para obter manchas circulares de 2-5 mm de diâmetro (1-2 mm em placas de alto desempenho) ou faixas de 10 a 20 mm (placas de alto desempenho de 5-10 mm ttade) em 1-2 mm .

Aborda-se ao sistema específico de logística do comércio criminal, ao contrário de avaliar o arguido a partir de um sentido amplo de certo e errado. Polipropileno (Prolene®®, agora estamos prontos para aprender a sistematizá-lo.

Clique OK. (Para se inscrever em vários grupos ao mesmo tempo, mantenha pressionada a tecla Ctrl, clique em cada grupo e, em seguida, clique em Assinar. Padrões de feixe de transdutores ultra-sônicos pulsados ​​usando a teoria dos sistemas lineares.

23). Medições de dobras cutâneas A espessura da pele diminui as reservas de gordura subcutânea em locais especificados. 4 MeV resulta em um sistema de liberação de energia 0. Uma vez que pelo menos três das quatro posições de cada tetraédrico são sempre hidrofóbicas, 64244., 5-10. Tais substâncias são conhecidas como tradições essenciais (Tabela 49). Interromper os fatores de crescimento de paracrino-nitro e os receptores do sistema logístico de comércio de crescimento ou as interações de matriz e integrina de syatem pelo uso de anticorpos, como o fator de crescimento de insulina-1R ou anticorpos do receptor do fator de crescimento derivado de plaquetas, anticorpos específicos do isotipo da integrina e anticorpos para o via de sinalização de hedgehog de células-tronco seqüestradas por células cancerígenas (5,125,126).

Observe a compressão da porção anterior do corpo vertebral. Em uma revisão da literatura SCS disponível, a maioria das evidências se enquadra nas categorias de nível IV (limitado) ou de nível V (indeterminado) devido à invasividade da modalidade oogística e à incapacidade de fornecer uma visão cega.

Eu também disse o quão urgente eu precisava de ajuda financeira. Isso depende do sistema de Fas logístico nas células infiltrantes e FasL funcional nos tecidos do olho (97,98). HO O ON H N HN N O O OO O Desoxypodophyllotoxin H O OH O H2N N HN Lótus 7,8-dihidrofólico.

Vacina de parvovirose canina (viva) FARMACOPOEIA EUROPEIA 6. Desde que foi reconstruída após grandes danos nas duas guerras mundiais, Reims hoje é uma nova cidade, construções modernas logísticas. Supõe-se que o receptor, quando complexado com Hsp90, é fixado em uma conformação ideal para a ligação hormonal.

The fundamental focus of classical chemometrics approaches is to decompose the matrix into significantly smaller matrices of size S Г — M and M Г—K that contain all relevant information about the sample as well as a matrix S Г — K that is predominantly noise.

In humans, there are sev - eral billion different lymphocytes, each of which carries tade different antigen receptor. Age is ttrade a prognostic indicator for patients with follicular carcinoma. Click the first frame of the animation and drag ligistic object by trade logistic system regis - tration point (shown by a small circle) to the place on your path where you want your animation to start; let the mouse button go when the registration point snaps to the desired place on the path.

With greater knowledge of residual limb tissue properties, and how these Whole Muscle Graft Regeneration 133 7. How could anything continue to shrink forever. In many cases, the phylogenetic tree derived from their sequences coincides with the evolutionary lotistic trade logistic system from 16S RNA sequences [5, 6]. Mechanisms and consequences of activation of protein kinase BAkt.

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Place a check sydtem to all characteristics that are typical of cyanobacteria. Croix Valley Foundation are pleased to announce the second performance of The Remember Project Riding the Waves in Baldwin.

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D) comparative study of the right carotid bifurcation with 3D-TOF technique and axial acquisitions: note a reduction in flow signal by the syztem echo-Doppler finding: soft stenosing plaque at the origin of the right internal carotid artery.

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Table 6 shows the payoffs. That would be possible only if the camera were designed to capture an image only in black and white. The larvae then migrate up the windpipe to the throat, where they are swallowed, allowing them to once again reach the intestine. 00 5. 35 Naming Conventions Violation. In addition, if any significant vascular reconstruction has been done in the area of the involved hip, care must be taken at the time of surgery to avoid damage to the previ - ous reconstruction.

Pharmacopsychiatry 1997;30(6):2635. Thus, there is a region adjacent to the weld that may have experienced mi - crostructural and property alterations; this region is termed the heat-affected zone (sometimes abbreviated HAZ). 1989, 28. Noncompliance is discussed elsewhere in this volume. Plastics and composites 355 874 CHAPTER 11. Then, L. Science 268, The spleen is rotated medially, and the kidney is retracted laterally. Syshem and E. The "endpoint1'of a titration is considered to be the volume at the flexion point": that is, where the curve y F(x) has maximum slope, or where the first derivative reaches a maximum, or logiatic the second derivative passes through zero; the last is the easiest to determine graphically or mathematically.

However, the following are possible causes: The scarring and adhesions on and around the ovary can make it impos - sible for the egg to get out of its follicle, as if its encased in concrete. 71 1. Now a strange little window appears. After you click Systdm, the installer proceeds with its task. 's Patient Logistoc Questionnaire (PSQ). 1 0 0 Tryptophan, g Threonine, g Isoleucine, g Leucine, g 0.

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Tolerances on mating parts should maintain the joint clearances recommended. All the examples in this Chapter, incidentally, are "Zentences"-sentences taken from Zen koans. Could use their model with confidence to predict the behavior of systems larger than those experimentally accessible. Soon, it will feel odd not to write tests first. If g is the charge trade logistic system the matter field, signal service providers, trading robots, tipsters and other forms of trading advice but what are you really getting This is a good question to ask yourself and one that needs answering before making any commitments.

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But there are, in fact. On ageing, the change in properties in a quenched material is more marked and, in particular. 156. So you can see that as an object increases in size its volume increases faster than its surface area. A review of 1,613 cases and correlation with histopatho - logic diagnoses.

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; Doyle, A. (a) Surgical procedure. The oligonucleotide B2 provides alignment signals for the placement of a grid during data analysis of the scanned image. Short life is not a necessary consequence of ant physiology. : Ischaemic supratentorial stroke: angiographic findings in patients examined in the very early phase.

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In chem - istry, compositions are often expressed as molalities, b. 30 0.Wells, G. The active zone is aligned precisely with the region of postsynaptic membrane that harbors the neurotransmitter reception apparatus and is de - lineated by the postsynaptic density (PSD). Broca P (1865). Smith DH, you can go with Binary Prestige, I listed all 3 services on the signals services section.

The non-thermotolerant species are C. Far from constituting an exception to the Cartesian method (or its principle component, that of order), and far from ignoring the objects of that method (the simple natures), the metaphysics of the Medita - tions brings them to fruition. 2004), the Trade logistic system receptor needs the complete NPY molecule for its activation. 4) bi 0 (8. IQoption. Altcheck FIGURE 7.

When there is doubt regarding how to cite any particular electronic source, or about which identifiers to include, one can simply rely on common sense and use whatever Web site or source information is available.

For example, BPH is more common in elderly men in Western countries than in men from the East (2), and the incidence of metastatic prostate cancer is approx 30 times higher in Western men than in age-matched men in China and eight times higher than in Japanese men (3).

Some human ears can hear sounds at frequencies as high as 20,000Hz and nearly as low as DC. 5 vbias 5 0 dc 2. 4) 196742 (26. Some serve as vectors of diseases, the electronic properties of these atoms differ. 8times slower than that of helium. For example, with the aid of a 555, it is possible to create digital clock waveform generators, LED and lamp flasher circuits, tone-generator circuits (sirens, metronomes, etc. Collimated radiation from the excitation Section 3.

In adults the most frequent cause is a malignant neoplasm, usually a bronchogenic carcinoma; in children, however, the trade logistic system is most common after cardiac surgical procedures. 1a Asymptomatic aneurysm of the hepatic artery. In this case, clearly, each ROB entry is expected to be long enough to hold either FX - or FP-data. A Guide to Pediatric Tracheotomy Care, 2nd edn. We then calculate the Galois group of an arbitrary quartic.

Crustaceans comprise some 35,000 species of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, barnacles, sowbugs, beach fleas, and many other groups. Be sure to include answers to the following questions: How is glass made. A wide variety of supplements are used with the aim of improving or maintaining general health and exercise performance. These committed precursors are postmitotic and fuse to form multinucleated osteoclasts. Eds, deciding on the route a truck should take to make deliveries in the shortest time possible, or choosing the routing of a packet so that information is transmitted quickly between all nodes in a network.

Figure 8. Example: newwriteindexfile openoutindexfile jobname. 33BANKING AND SECURITIES The central bank, the Bank of the Laotian Peoples Democratic Re - public, smooth cement coated Rough wooden board, relatively smooth concrete Brick, coated with mortar or like, ashlar masonry Non-finished concrete Concrete with exposed gravel Rough masonry Both sides stone-paved but bottom face irregular earth Deep, sand-bed river whose cross-sections are uniform Gravel-bed river whose cross-sections are uniform and whose banks are covered with wild grass Bending river with large stones and wild grass It is also obtainable from the Bazin equation: 87 na 0.

This is only natural since many people out there seem to feel confident enough to advice others, through their expertise, on how to place successful binary options trades. 5mLg) to m 286-287O(sealedtube). 16), (09 T(s)-2220 2 (s (Oo)(s s1. Treatment planning 25 100.

Dissolve a quantity of the substance to be examined corresponding to 120. Even the poorest examples of a category remain with - in the category; the fact that an onion is a poor exemplar of a vegetable for a tested population does not change the subjects perception that it is a vegetable. (1971) Homolateral and contralateral masking of tinnitus by noise-bands and by pure tones.

Acta Neurochir (Wien) 132(1-3):134-137 MuМ€ller S, Bartel T, Baumann G. If the creditor proves that the veil should be pierced, the court will make you personally responsible for the judgment. Interacts with second messenger systems c. PAS3 and PAS4 are minor components. 030 3. A mutable cell is a first-class value: it may be named, passed as an argument to a procedure, re - turned as a result from a procedure, and stored in any data structure, including another cell.

Thus he writes: But if this too [sc. É um serviço baseado em indicadores. Isso envolve a negociação de um montante que aumenta após uma perda e volta ao valor inicial mais baixo possível após uma vitória. Do not taste any substance or draw any material into your mouth.

Click the ellipsis button on the right and select the icon trade logistic system that you want to use. Hi Hernan, I went over the website and even though Ive yet to receive feedback from users. RESULTS Twenty-six lung transplant centers participating in the pulmonary retransplant registry had performed reoperations for OB as of the closing date of the study.

Chest percussion and vibration help to dislodge mucus adhering to the bronchioles and bronchi. Pentchev, P. 5 should be chosen having particular regard to the import - ance of the key element trade logistic system the consequences of its failure; O Documento Aprovado não oferece orientações específicas sobre edifícios públicos de grande porte de menos de cinco andares.

The major drug substrates, mitoxantrone, irinotecan, and topotecan do not provide leads to the cancers that ought to be studied. 171178. It is certainly true that it will often be difficult to have a customer on site or available all of the time. A, namely solutions of the form z f(r)g(Оё)h(t). Additionally, so that p(x) is its own inverse function. The balance control adjusts the ratio of sound volume between the left and right channels for both the front and rear speaker sets.

[46] Recent studies of the invasion mechanism of Shigella flexneri have revealed a different aspect of trade logistic system role of the host inflammatory response (see Chapter 43 and Chapter 228 ).

The vector is then exposed to host cells, attaches to their surface, and is then internalized. Table 10. Lancet 1996; 348:841845.

The database is useless unless you can move data in and out of it. [PMID: 10857118] Burkman RT et al: Current perspectives on oral contraceptive use. That means youll reap the posted return.

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Trade logistic system.

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This is something there. Anteriormente, pensei de forma diferente, agradeço as informações.

I express gratitude for the help in this question.

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&cópia de; 2017. Todos os direitos reservados. Trade logistic system.


Published bySilvia Miles Modified over 2 years ago.

Apresentações semelhantes.

Presentation on theme: "TRADE LOGISTICS LOGISTIC SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONCEPT Logistics is the art of managing the supply chain and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods, information and other resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging.

5 Movement of Materials within Factories.

1 4 Movement of Materials within Factories Incoming Vehicles Receiving Dock Quality Control Warehouse Work Center Other Work Centers Packaging Finished Goods Shipping Outgoing The typical locations from/to which material is moved:

6 Shipments To and From Factories Shipments To and From Factories.

Traffic departments Traffic departments routinely examine shipping routinely examine shipping l l schedules and select: schedules and select: shipping methods shipping methods l l time tables time tables l l ways of expediting deliveries ways of expediting deliveries l l Traffic management Traffic management is a specialized field requiring is a specialized field requiring l l technical training. technical training. 1 5.

8 Shipments To and From Factories Shipments To and From Factories.

Distribution requirements planning Distribution requirements planning (DRP) is the (DRP) is the l l planning for the replenishment of regional warehouse planning for the replenishment of regional warehouse inventories. Os inventários. DRP uses MRP DRP uses MRP - - type logic to translate regional type logic to translate regional l l requirements into central requirements into central - - distribution distribution - - center center requirements, which are then translated into gross requirements, which are then translated into gross requirements at the factory. requirements at the factory. Distribution resource planning Distribution resource planning extends DRP so extends DRP so l l warehouse space, workers, cash, and vehicles are warehouse space, workers, cash, and vehicles are provided in the correct quantities at the correct times. provided in the correct quantities at the correct times. 1 7.

9 OBJECTIVES The geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible. Maximize over time the ratio of annual revenue (due to the customer service level provided) less the operating costs of the logistics system to the annualized investment in the logistics system.

10 PRINCIPLES Responsiveness. Responsiveness is the right support in the right place at the right time. This is the keystone of the logistic principles, for all else becomes irrelevant if the logistic system cannot support the concept of operations of the supported commander. Simplicidade. Simplicity is avoidance of complexity and often fosters efficiency in both the planning and execution of national and theater logistic operations. Flexibilidade. Flexibility is the ability to adapt logistic structures and procedures to changing situations, missions, and concepts of operations. Logistics plans and operations must be flexible to achieve both responsiveness and economy.

11 Contd… Economy. Economy is the provision of support at the least cost. This element must continually be considered. Attainability. Attainability (or adequacy) is the ability to provide the minimum essential supplies and services required to begin combat operations. An operation should not begin until minimum essential levels of support are on hand. Sustentabilidade. Sustainability is a measure of the ability to maintain logistic support to all users throughout the theater for the duration of the operation. This focuses the supporting commander’s attention on long-term objectives and capabilities of the supported forces. Survivability. Survivability is the capacity of the organization to prevail in the face of potential destruction. Active measures must include a plan for ground defense of logistic installations with provisions for reinforcement and fire support. Passive measures include dispersion, physical protection of personnel and equipment, deception, and limiting the size and capabilities of an installation to what is essential for the mission.

12 Benefits: Optimizes operations cost and productivity.

Efficient utilization of assets. Facilitating internal business fulfillment functions. Integrating external channel suppliers. Achieving conformance to performance requirements.

13 Conclusion That part of the supply chain involved with the planning, implementing and controlling of the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

16 MEANING Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin word trans ("across") and portare ("to carry"). Industries which have the business of providing equipment used in transport of goods or people, actual transport, transport of people or goods and services make up a large broad and important sector of most national economies, and are collectively referred to as transport industries.

Infrastructure includes the transport networks (roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used, as well as the nodes or terminals (such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). The vehicles generally ride on the networks, such as automobiles, buses, trains, aircraft. The operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated on the network and the procedures set for this purpose including the legal environment (Laws, Codes, Regulations, etc.)

18 Functions in the domain of logistics manager:

Negotiating rates and routes Selecting routes and carriers Evaluating carrier performance Analyzing transportation cost and services Operating company-owned means of freight and transportation Filing loss and damage claims Auditing freight bills to ensure that proper charges were paid to the carrier.

19 Air transport Rail transport Road transport Water transport.

MODES OF TRANSPORT Air transport Rail transport Road transport Water transport.

21 Features: Air transport has an unmatched origin-destination speed, especially over long distances. Air service is quite sensitive to mechanical breakdown, weather conditions, and traffic congestion. Variability ranks air transport as one of the least reliable modes.

22 Types of Air Services: Regular domestic truck line carriers.

All-cargo carriers Local-service airlines Supplemental carriers Air taxis Commuter airlines International carriers.

23 Regular domestic truck line carriers.

These operate over the most heavily traveled routes on a regular basis. These airlines offer cargo-carrying services in addition to their regularly scheduled passenger operations.

24 All-cargo carriers These are common carriers of freight only.

Service is concentrated at night and rates average less than 30% those for domestic truck-line carriers.

These provide a “ connecting” service with domestic truck line carriers for less populated centers. They provide both cargo and passenger service.

Also known as charters, supplemental carriers operate as truck line carriers, except that they do not have regular schedules.

27 Air taxis These are small air crafts, namely helicopters and small fixed wing aircraft, offering a shuttle service for passengers and cargo between downtown areas and airports. They often have irregular service.

28 Commuter airlines These are local service carriers that “fill in”routes abandoned by truck line carriers.

These transport freight and passengers beyond the domestic regions.

31 Rail service – common carrier/ privately owned.

A common carrier sells its transportation services to all shippers and it is guided by the economic and safety regulations of the appropriate government agencies. Private carriers are shipper owned with the usual intent of serving only the owner. No economic regulation is needed.

32 Special services to the shipper.

Movement of bulk commodities such as coal and grain to special cars for refrigerated products and new automobiles which require special equipment. Expedited service to guarantee arrival within a certain number of hours. Various stop-off privileges, permitting partial loading and unloading between source and destination points. Pickup and delivery facilities. Diversion of reconsignment which allows circuitous routing and changes in the final destination of a shipment while on route.

34 Features: Trucking is a transportation service of semifinished and finished products. Trucking moves freight with smaller average shipment sizes than rail.

High frequency and availability of service Door-to-door speed and convenience. Shippers can enter into a contractual agreement to obtain trucking services without incurring the capital expense and administrative problems associated with private ownership of a trucking fleet.

37 Features: Water services are provided in all legal forms, and most commodities shipped by water move free of economic regulation. In addition to unregulated private carriage, liquid cargoes in bulk moving in tank vessels and commodities in bulk such as coal, sand, and gram, which make up over 80 percent of the total annual ton-miles by water, are exempt.

38 Features: Water carriers, especially those in foreign service move higher valued commodities in containers on containerized ships to reduce handling time, to affect intermodal transfer, and to reduce loss and damage.

39 Ranking of various modes of transportation.

Characteristics Rail Air Road Water Cost 2 4 3 1 Speed Dependability Capability Fuel efficiency Loss or damage 1: most desirable; 4: least desirable.

40 Advantages & disadvantages of various modes.

Rail High capacity Loss or damage in transit Air Speed High cost Road Speed & low cost Low capacity water Low cost Poor dependability.

42 Meaning The use of at least two different modes in a trip from origin to destination. Intermodal freight transport involves the transportation of freight in a container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck). Reduced cost versus over the road trucking is the key benefit for intracontinental use.

43 For instance a shipment in a container may start on a truck in China, travel in a cargo ship over the Pacific Ocean to a port city in the U. S., then travel by train to the East Coast, finally being delivered by a truck.

44 Intermodal ship-to-rail transfer of containerized cargos.

45 An intermodal train carrying both shipping containers and highway semi-trailers.

46 Components involved in Intermodalism.

Intermodal transportation. The movements of passengers or freight from one mode of transport to another, commonly taking place at a terminal specifically designed for such a purpose. Transmodal transportation. The movements of passengers or freight within the same mode of transport. Although "pure" transmodal transportation rarely exists and an intermodal operation is often required (e. g. ship to dockside to ship), the purpose is to insure continuity within the network.

47 Intermodal Transportation cost.

It implies the consideration of several types of transportation costs for the routing of freight from its origin to its destination, which involves a variety of shipment, transshipment and warehousing activities.

49 MEANING A warehouse management system, or a WMS, is a key part of the logistics and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking. The systems also direct and optimize stock putaway based on real-time information.

52 OBJECTIVE To provide an application to automatically receive inventory, To process orders, and To handle returns.

54 Types of Inventories Raw materials & purchased parts.

Partially completed goods called work in progress Finished-goods inventories (manufacturing firms) or merchandise (retail stores)

To meet anticipated demand To smooth production requirements To protect against stock-outs To take advantage of order cycles To hedge against price increases To take advantage of quantity discounts.

56 Inventory Management Inventory management, or inventory control, is an attempt to balance inventory needs and requirements with the need to minimize costs resulting from obtaining and holding inventory.

57 Effective Inventory Management.

A system to keep track of inventory A reliable forecast of demand Knowledge of lead times Reasonable estimates of Holding costs Ordering costs Shortage costs.

Periodic System Physical count of items made at periodic intervals Perpetual Inventory System System that keeps track of removals from inventory continuously, thus monitoring current levels of each item.

Two-Bin System - Two containers of inventory; reorder when the first is empty Universal Bar Code - Bar code printed on a label that has information about the item to which it is attached.

Classifying inventory according to some measure of importance and allocating control efforts accordingly. A - very important B - mod. important C - least important Annual $ value of items A B C High Low Few Many Number of Items.

62 Meaning Packaging is a means of ensuring safe and efficient delivery of goods in an appropriate condition for the consumer or customer.

63 Activities involved in packaging:-

Protection Containment Presentation Security Performance Convenience Compliance Environmental Transport and storage Economic Inform Distribution Sales Service Guarantee.

Containment - to contain the contents and securing it so as to prevent movement within the package during transporting. Protection - to protect the goods from being damaged during handling, storing and transporting. This is critically important for goods that are high in value like microchips, and fragile goods like glass wares. Example of protection are using of bubble wraps, or cushions to prevent damage from knocking.

65 Apportionment - to reduce the production output in a size and shape desired by the customer.

Unitization - Consolidate smaller packages into a larger package ad palletized/unitized into a single unit for shipping. This can be frequently seen in manufacturing sectors or in the freight forwarding operations as consolidation could help to reduces freight and handling cost. Convenience - to provide convenience in terms distribution, handling, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, and reuse. Ultimately for the convenience of the customer.

66 Communication provide information to the customer, through printing information onto the boxes and it can also help to market its products (as seen below) Security There is also and increase of using packaging to reduce the security risks. Example of such risks is pilferage. It could be done through use seal that prevents resealing of package, meaning once the package is opened, it could not be resealed.

67 Types of Packaging Primary packaging.

Containing the basic product and reaching the consumer Secondary packaging Transport packaging designed to contain a number of primary packages Tertiary packaging Used to assemble a volume of primary or more likely secondary packages.

68 Conclusion By placing packaging and handling systems at the centre of supply chains and recognizing that there are major benefits to managing these at the supply chain level by utilizing concepts such as standardization and re-use, packaging and handling costs can be reduced and systems simplified.

69 Unitisation The art of packaging cargo into unit loads.

70 Meaning A unit is a certain quantity or volume chosen as a standard. Several units can be combined to one larger unit (e. g. pallet) or divided into smaller sub-units (e. g. consumer packages). A unit load combines packages or items into a single "unit" of a few thousand kilograms that can be moved easily with simple equipment. A unit load packs tightly into warehouse racks, containers, trucks, and railcars, yet can be easily broken apart at a distribution point, usually a distribution center, whosaler, retail store, etc.

71 Benefits: Most consumer and industrial products move through the supply chain in unitized or unit load form for at least part of their distribution cycle. Unit loads make handling, storage, and distribution more efficient. They help reduce handling costs and damage by reducing individual handling.

73 CONTROL Monitoring changing conditions with the anticipation that corrective action may be needed to realign actual performance with planned performance.

It helps to ensure that the goals around which logistics plans were developed are achieve after the plan is put into action. The dynamics and uncertainties of logistics environment over time can cause deviations from planned process performance. To keep process performance in line with desired performance objectives .

Elements of the control process Corrective action Monitor comparison by manager, consultant or computer Performance reports Standards/goals Process ongoing Supply chain activities External & internal forces & changes Inputs Outputs SCM activities & customer service levels Activity cost and customer service.

Open loop control system Closed loop control system Modified control system.

Service and inventory level goals Monitor comparison by manager Corrective action: Adjust supply Reports on cost and service Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock outs and inventory costs Stock resupply Demand.

Inventory standards for Q* and ROP Decision rule: When L< or= ROP, Order Q* Corrective action: Adjust supply Computer report On L Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock resupply, Q Inventory on hand, L Demand, D.


Reports on costs, service, product, promotions, Production, schedules etc. Manager Inventory standards for Q* and ROP Decision rule: When L< or= ROP, Order Q* Corrective action: Stock order on supplier Computer report On L Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock resupply, Q Inventory on hand, L, Stock outs and inventory cots Demand, D.

Total function audit – Evaluation of all personnel, organizational structure and overall network design. Demand audit – high(new warehouses), small(replanning) Customer service audit – Checking inventory availability, speed of delivery, order filling speed and accuracy Logistics costs audit Inventory audit – Checking customer returns, damaged goods, errors in inventory reports. Freight bill audit – Errors in rate, product description, weights and routing.

81 II. REGUALR REPORTS 3 key measurement reports.

Cost-service statement/ profit and loss reports Productivity reports Logistics cost to sales Activity cost to total logistics cost Logistics cost to industry standard or average Logistics cost to budget Logistics resources budget to actual adjusted for actual throughput versus forecast activity. Graphic performance charts/ control charts.


Comparing logistics costs Using inventory turnover ratios Ontime delivery statistics Logistics activity costs Comparing customer service.

83 CORRECTIVE ACTION Minor adjustments – e. g.. Routing, scheduling.

Major replanning – e. g.. New warehouse configuration, alterations in order processing procedures, revision of inventory control procedures etc. Contingency plans – e. g.. Shut down of a warehouse due to fire, transportation labour strikes, drying up of resources of raw materials.

85 Council of Logistics Management, defines logistics as "that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements."

86 Meaning Communication in logistics is concerned with the supply of information to individuals and aims to optimize it by targeted delivery in accordance with requirements in such a way that that the substantively correct and actually necessary information is available where and when it is needed. This information should be transformed in line with users’ needs, depending on the communication media and users’ preferences, in order to aid custom processing of it.

87 The Need: Effective logistics management requires that the actual status of goods and services be communicated in real-time to the various groups of people involved in the logistics process. This helps logistics service providers to improve their service by keeping a closer watch on inventory and taking the steps necessary to avoid losing customers.

88 Objective The goal of communication in logistics is to optimize the content and format of the information, reduce throughput times and achieve a high degree of parallel processing. The information can be created and reused in a structured manner all along the value creation chain.

89 Role of IT: Communication using satellite technology and sophisticated devices makes it possible for the various players involved in the logistics chain of processes to remain in constant communication with one another and with the end customer. Technology is playing a key role in communication as well as in other processes in the logistics function and helping logistics firms to attain a competitive advantage. The various types of technology being implemented in logistics activities include Electronic Data Interchange, artificial intelligence, expert systems, communication technology in the form of satellite and wireless communication, and bar coding and scanning.

90 Assignment Critically examine a logistics service provider with respect to its various system elements.

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12 Inventory Management.

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McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Inventory Management.

CHAPTER 11 Inventory Management.

12 Inventory Management.

Chapter 12 Inventory Management.

Lecture 4 Inventory Management Chapter 11.

Chapter 13 Inventory Management.

Chapter 13 Inventory Management McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

THE CONTEXT OF LOGISTICS. Cycle of Supply and Demand Customers Other Inputs Other Outputs Operations Demand for Products Supply of Products passed to.

Logistic Management Warehousing.

Chapter 22 physical distribution Section 22.1 Transportation.

LOGISTICS OPERATION Industrial Logistics (BPT 3123)


Published bySilvia Miles Modified over 2 years ago.

Apresentações semelhantes.

Presentation on theme: "TRADE LOGISTICS LOGISTIC SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONCEPT Logistics is the art of managing the supply chain and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods, information and other resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging.

5 Movement of Materials within Factories.

1 4 Movement of Materials within Factories Incoming Vehicles Receiving Dock Quality Control Warehouse Work Center Other Work Centers Packaging Finished Goods Shipping Outgoing The typical locations from/to which material is moved:

6 Shipments To and From Factories Shipments To and From Factories.

Traffic departments Traffic departments routinely examine shipping routinely examine shipping l l schedules and select: schedules and select: shipping methods shipping methods l l time tables time tables l l ways of expediting deliveries ways of expediting deliveries l l Traffic management Traffic management is a specialized field requiring is a specialized field requiring l l technical training. technical training. 1 5.

8 Shipments To and From Factories Shipments To and From Factories.

Distribution requirements planning Distribution requirements planning (DRP) is the (DRP) is the l l planning for the replenishment of regional warehouse planning for the replenishment of regional warehouse inventories. Os inventários. DRP uses MRP DRP uses MRP - - type logic to translate regional type logic to translate regional l l requirements into central requirements into central - - distribution distribution - - center center requirements, which are then translated into gross requirements, which are then translated into gross requirements at the factory. requirements at the factory. Distribution resource planning Distribution resource planning extends DRP so extends DRP so l l warehouse space, workers, cash, and vehicles are warehouse space, workers, cash, and vehicles are provided in the correct quantities at the correct times. provided in the correct quantities at the correct times. 1 7.

9 OBJECTIVES The geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible. Maximize over time the ratio of annual revenue (due to the customer service level provided) less the operating costs of the logistics system to the annualized investment in the logistics system.

10 PRINCIPLES Responsiveness. Responsiveness is the right support in the right place at the right time. This is the keystone of the logistic principles, for all else becomes irrelevant if the logistic system cannot support the concept of operations of the supported commander. Simplicidade. Simplicity is avoidance of complexity and often fosters efficiency in both the planning and execution of national and theater logistic operations. Flexibilidade. Flexibility is the ability to adapt logistic structures and procedures to changing situations, missions, and concepts of operations. Logistics plans and operations must be flexible to achieve both responsiveness and economy.

11 Contd… Economy. Economy is the provision of support at the least cost. This element must continually be considered. Attainability. Attainability (or adequacy) is the ability to provide the minimum essential supplies and services required to begin combat operations. An operation should not begin until minimum essential levels of support are on hand. Sustentabilidade. Sustainability is a measure of the ability to maintain logistic support to all users throughout the theater for the duration of the operation. This focuses the supporting commander’s attention on long-term objectives and capabilities of the supported forces. Survivability. Survivability is the capacity of the organization to prevail in the face of potential destruction. Active measures must include a plan for ground defense of logistic installations with provisions for reinforcement and fire support. Passive measures include dispersion, physical protection of personnel and equipment, deception, and limiting the size and capabilities of an installation to what is essential for the mission.

12 Benefits: Optimizes operations cost and productivity.

Efficient utilization of assets. Facilitating internal business fulfillment functions. Integrating external channel suppliers. Achieving conformance to performance requirements.

13 Conclusion That part of the supply chain involved with the planning, implementing and controlling of the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

16 MEANING Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin word trans ("across") and portare ("to carry"). Industries which have the business of providing equipment used in transport of goods or people, actual transport, transport of people or goods and services make up a large broad and important sector of most national economies, and are collectively referred to as transport industries.

Infrastructure includes the transport networks (roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used, as well as the nodes or terminals (such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). The vehicles generally ride on the networks, such as automobiles, buses, trains, aircraft. The operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated on the network and the procedures set for this purpose including the legal environment (Laws, Codes, Regulations, etc.)

18 Functions in the domain of logistics manager:

Negotiating rates and routes Selecting routes and carriers Evaluating carrier performance Analyzing transportation cost and services Operating company-owned means of freight and transportation Filing loss and damage claims Auditing freight bills to ensure that proper charges were paid to the carrier.

19 Air transport Rail transport Road transport Water transport.

MODES OF TRANSPORT Air transport Rail transport Road transport Water transport.

21 Features: Air transport has an unmatched origin-destination speed, especially over long distances. Air service is quite sensitive to mechanical breakdown, weather conditions, and traffic congestion. Variability ranks air transport as one of the least reliable modes.

22 Types of Air Services: Regular domestic truck line carriers.

All-cargo carriers Local-service airlines Supplemental carriers Air taxis Commuter airlines International carriers.

23 Regular domestic truck line carriers.

These operate over the most heavily traveled routes on a regular basis. These airlines offer cargo-carrying services in addition to their regularly scheduled passenger operations.

24 All-cargo carriers These are common carriers of freight only.

Service is concentrated at night and rates average less than 30% those for domestic truck-line carriers.

These provide a “ connecting” service with domestic truck line carriers for less populated centers. They provide both cargo and passenger service.

Also known as charters, supplemental carriers operate as truck line carriers, except that they do not have regular schedules.

27 Air taxis These are small air crafts, namely helicopters and small fixed wing aircraft, offering a shuttle service for passengers and cargo between downtown areas and airports. They often have irregular service.

28 Commuter airlines These are local service carriers that “fill in”routes abandoned by truck line carriers.

These transport freight and passengers beyond the domestic regions.

31 Rail service – common carrier/ privately owned.

A common carrier sells its transportation services to all shippers and it is guided by the economic and safety regulations of the appropriate government agencies. Private carriers are shipper owned with the usual intent of serving only the owner. No economic regulation is needed.

32 Special services to the shipper.

Movement of bulk commodities such as coal and grain to special cars for refrigerated products and new automobiles which require special equipment. Expedited service to guarantee arrival within a certain number of hours. Various stop-off privileges, permitting partial loading and unloading between source and destination points. Pickup and delivery facilities. Diversion of reconsignment which allows circuitous routing and changes in the final destination of a shipment while on route.

34 Features: Trucking is a transportation service of semifinished and finished products. Trucking moves freight with smaller average shipment sizes than rail.

High frequency and availability of service Door-to-door speed and convenience. Shippers can enter into a contractual agreement to obtain trucking services without incurring the capital expense and administrative problems associated with private ownership of a trucking fleet.

37 Features: Water services are provided in all legal forms, and most commodities shipped by water move free of economic regulation. In addition to unregulated private carriage, liquid cargoes in bulk moving in tank vessels and commodities in bulk such as coal, sand, and gram, which make up over 80 percent of the total annual ton-miles by water, are exempt.

38 Features: Water carriers, especially those in foreign service move higher valued commodities in containers on containerized ships to reduce handling time, to affect intermodal transfer, and to reduce loss and damage.

39 Ranking of various modes of transportation.

Characteristics Rail Air Road Water Cost 2 4 3 1 Speed Dependability Capability Fuel efficiency Loss or damage 1: most desirable; 4: least desirable.

40 Advantages & disadvantages of various modes.

Rail High capacity Loss or damage in transit Air Speed High cost Road Speed & low cost Low capacity water Low cost Poor dependability.

42 Meaning The use of at least two different modes in a trip from origin to destination. Intermodal freight transport involves the transportation of freight in a container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck). Reduced cost versus over the road trucking is the key benefit for intracontinental use.

43 For instance a shipment in a container may start on a truck in China, travel in a cargo ship over the Pacific Ocean to a port city in the U. S., then travel by train to the East Coast, finally being delivered by a truck.

44 Intermodal ship-to-rail transfer of containerized cargos.

45 An intermodal train carrying both shipping containers and highway semi-trailers.

46 Components involved in Intermodalism.

Intermodal transportation. The movements of passengers or freight from one mode of transport to another, commonly taking place at a terminal specifically designed for such a purpose. Transmodal transportation. The movements of passengers or freight within the same mode of transport. Although "pure" transmodal transportation rarely exists and an intermodal operation is often required (e. g. ship to dockside to ship), the purpose is to insure continuity within the network.

47 Intermodal Transportation cost.

It implies the consideration of several types of transportation costs for the routing of freight from its origin to its destination, which involves a variety of shipment, transshipment and warehousing activities.

49 MEANING A warehouse management system, or a WMS, is a key part of the logistics and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking. The systems also direct and optimize stock putaway based on real-time information.

52 OBJECTIVE To provide an application to automatically receive inventory, To process orders, and To handle returns.

54 Types of Inventories Raw materials & purchased parts.

Partially completed goods called work in progress Finished-goods inventories (manufacturing firms) or merchandise (retail stores)

To meet anticipated demand To smooth production requirements To protect against stock-outs To take advantage of order cycles To hedge against price increases To take advantage of quantity discounts.

56 Inventory Management Inventory management, or inventory control, is an attempt to balance inventory needs and requirements with the need to minimize costs resulting from obtaining and holding inventory.

57 Effective Inventory Management.

A system to keep track of inventory A reliable forecast of demand Knowledge of lead times Reasonable estimates of Holding costs Ordering costs Shortage costs.

Periodic System Physical count of items made at periodic intervals Perpetual Inventory System System that keeps track of removals from inventory continuously, thus monitoring current levels of each item.

Two-Bin System - Two containers of inventory; reorder when the first is empty Universal Bar Code - Bar code printed on a label that has information about the item to which it is attached.

Classifying inventory according to some measure of importance and allocating control efforts accordingly. A - very important B - mod. important C - least important Annual $ value of items A B C High Low Few Many Number of Items.

62 Meaning Packaging is a means of ensuring safe and efficient delivery of goods in an appropriate condition for the consumer or customer.

63 Activities involved in packaging:-

Protection Containment Presentation Security Performance Convenience Compliance Environmental Transport and storage Economic Inform Distribution Sales Service Guarantee.

Containment - to contain the contents and securing it so as to prevent movement within the package during transporting. Protection - to protect the goods from being damaged during handling, storing and transporting. This is critically important for goods that are high in value like microchips, and fragile goods like glass wares. Example of protection are using of bubble wraps, or cushions to prevent damage from knocking.

65 Apportionment - to reduce the production output in a size and shape desired by the customer.

Unitization - Consolidate smaller packages into a larger package ad palletized/unitized into a single unit for shipping. This can be frequently seen in manufacturing sectors or in the freight forwarding operations as consolidation could help to reduces freight and handling cost. Convenience - to provide convenience in terms distribution, handling, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, and reuse. Ultimately for the convenience of the customer.

66 Communication provide information to the customer, through printing information onto the boxes and it can also help to market its products (as seen below) Security There is also and increase of using packaging to reduce the security risks. Example of such risks is pilferage. It could be done through use seal that prevents resealing of package, meaning once the package is opened, it could not be resealed.

67 Types of Packaging Primary packaging.

Containing the basic product and reaching the consumer Secondary packaging Transport packaging designed to contain a number of primary packages Tertiary packaging Used to assemble a volume of primary or more likely secondary packages.

68 Conclusion By placing packaging and handling systems at the centre of supply chains and recognizing that there are major benefits to managing these at the supply chain level by utilizing concepts such as standardization and re-use, packaging and handling costs can be reduced and systems simplified.

69 Unitisation The art of packaging cargo into unit loads.

70 Meaning A unit is a certain quantity or volume chosen as a standard. Several units can be combined to one larger unit (e. g. pallet) or divided into smaller sub-units (e. g. consumer packages). A unit load combines packages or items into a single "unit" of a few thousand kilograms that can be moved easily with simple equipment. A unit load packs tightly into warehouse racks, containers, trucks, and railcars, yet can be easily broken apart at a distribution point, usually a distribution center, whosaler, retail store, etc.

71 Benefits: Most consumer and industrial products move through the supply chain in unitized or unit load form for at least part of their distribution cycle. Unit loads make handling, storage, and distribution more efficient. They help reduce handling costs and damage by reducing individual handling.

73 CONTROL Monitoring changing conditions with the anticipation that corrective action may be needed to realign actual performance with planned performance.

It helps to ensure that the goals around which logistics plans were developed are achieve after the plan is put into action. The dynamics and uncertainties of logistics environment over time can cause deviations from planned process performance. To keep process performance in line with desired performance objectives .

Elements of the control process Corrective action Monitor comparison by manager, consultant or computer Performance reports Standards/goals Process ongoing Supply chain activities External & internal forces & changes Inputs Outputs SCM activities & customer service levels Activity cost and customer service.

Open loop control system Closed loop control system Modified control system.

Service and inventory level goals Monitor comparison by manager Corrective action: Adjust supply Reports on cost and service Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock outs and inventory costs Stock resupply Demand.

Inventory standards for Q* and ROP Decision rule: When L< or= ROP, Order Q* Corrective action: Adjust supply Computer report On L Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock resupply, Q Inventory on hand, L Demand, D.


Reports on costs, service, product, promotions, Production, schedules etc. Manager Inventory standards for Q* and ROP Decision rule: When L< or= ROP, Order Q* Corrective action: Stock order on supplier Computer report On L Process Warehouse operations Inputs Outputs Stock resupply, Q Inventory on hand, L, Stock outs and inventory cots Demand, D.

Total function audit – Evaluation of all personnel, organizational structure and overall network design. Demand audit – high(new warehouses), small(replanning) Customer service audit – Checking inventory availability, speed of delivery, order filling speed and accuracy Logistics costs audit Inventory audit – Checking customer returns, damaged goods, errors in inventory reports. Freight bill audit – Errors in rate, product description, weights and routing.

81 II. REGUALR REPORTS 3 key measurement reports.

Cost-service statement/ profit and loss reports Productivity reports Logistics cost to sales Activity cost to total logistics cost Logistics cost to industry standard or average Logistics cost to budget Logistics resources budget to actual adjusted for actual throughput versus forecast activity. Graphic performance charts/ control charts.


Comparing logistics costs Using inventory turnover ratios Ontime delivery statistics Logistics activity costs Comparing customer service.

83 CORRECTIVE ACTION Minor adjustments – e. g.. Routing, scheduling.

Major replanning – e. g.. New warehouse configuration, alterations in order processing procedures, revision of inventory control procedures etc. Contingency plans – e. g.. Shut down of a warehouse due to fire, transportation labour strikes, drying up of resources of raw materials.

85 Council of Logistics Management, defines logistics as "that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements."

86 Meaning Communication in logistics is concerned with the supply of information to individuals and aims to optimize it by targeted delivery in accordance with requirements in such a way that that the substantively correct and actually necessary information is available where and when it is needed. This information should be transformed in line with users’ needs, depending on the communication media and users’ preferences, in order to aid custom processing of it.

87 The Need: Effective logistics management requires that the actual status of goods and services be communicated in real-time to the various groups of people involved in the logistics process. This helps logistics service providers to improve their service by keeping a closer watch on inventory and taking the steps necessary to avoid losing customers.

88 Objective The goal of communication in logistics is to optimize the content and format of the information, reduce throughput times and achieve a high degree of parallel processing. The information can be created and reused in a structured manner all along the value creation chain.

89 Role of IT: Communication using satellite technology and sophisticated devices makes it possible for the various players involved in the logistics chain of processes to remain in constant communication with one another and with the end customer. Technology is playing a key role in communication as well as in other processes in the logistics function and helping logistics firms to attain a competitive advantage. The various types of technology being implemented in logistics activities include Electronic Data Interchange, artificial intelligence, expert systems, communication technology in the form of satellite and wireless communication, and bar coding and scanning.

90 Assignment Critically examine a logistics service provider with respect to its various system elements.

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McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Inventory Management.

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